The Future of Management and Leadership

We have posted a number of articles discussing the importance of training and development, reviewing the management and leadership skills shortage, the pressures facing managers and leaders, and why many organisations and individuals are putting off developing their skills, which is impacting upon future employment prospects and career progression opportunities.

In October 2013, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Management (APPGM) launched the Commission on the Future of Management and Leadership along with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). The Commission’s purpose was to answer three key questions:

  • How good are management and leadership in the UK today?
  • What are the skills that managers need in the future?
  • How can UK management be improved to deliver success by the year 2020?

The Commission’s report was published July 2014, and is available to download at the CMI website on the Management 2020 page. Additional information relating to the report includes:

  • Management 2020: Executive Summary;
  • Management 2020: Leadership for Long-Term Growth;
  • Transcripts of Evidence Sessions and Interviews;
  • Written Evidence Submissions.

The report warns that “myopic management” is a millstone around the neck of the economy and is threatening the UK’s global competitiveness. Further to this it highlights some stark findings including:

  • Government data showing that the UK labour market will need 1 million new managers by 2020;
  • 71% of the leaders surveyed by CMI confess they could do better at training first-time managers;
  • 57% of managers admit their organisation does not offer young people work experience.

On this basis, ET&C will present information on its services, providing an overview of the range of training packages on offer, with a view to supporting individuals and organisations who are exploring their training and development options for future success. The reviews will be presented periodically, and will aid in the identification of appropriate and suitable training and development.

For related articles also see: